Registration - Kingdom SWAT Academy

Registration - Kingdom SWAT Academy

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Intensive Hands-On Training Warfare Prayer Training
Spiritual Warfare Prayer Training & Coaching


Welcome to Kingdom SWAT Academy! I am training an elite fighting force of warfare prayer intercessors. Each applicant for Kingdom SWAT will be evaluated for participation. 

Academy Registration Fee Holiday Sale: ***$97 Limited Time!***
(Sale Price! Save $200 off of $297 regular tuition)

SWAT Activity Fee: $27.00 per month (***NOT INCLUDED***) 

Beginning 30 days after your registration, your Activity Fee will be billed on the 15th of the month, due by the 25th of each month, for activities in the upcoming month.

Your Monthly Activity Fee covers all Kingdom SWAT Academy courses, access to view previous course recordings, Fight Night Intercessory prayer nights, and additional Cadet-only training.  Your Activity Fee will commence 30 days after your date of registration. 

Your registration will not be finalized until your application and Orientation are completed and reviewed. For any applicant who is not accepted at this time, your Registration fee will be refunded ($297, $97 Holiday), Monthly Activity Fees are non-refundable, and non-transferable to other parties. 

In this intensive hands-on training and coaching program, you will learn: 

- The scriptural foundation for warfare prayer

- The WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and WHEN of spiritual warfare.

- Fundamentals of The TriFold Attack

- Essential protections before entering warfare prayer

- Fundamentals of Power & Authority

- How to activate and use your Kingdom Authority. 

- The named principalities and powers in scripture that you will bind in prayer

- The core activities of warfare prayer

- The categories and types of spiritual weapons. - How to identify scriptures to pray

- Understanding the key components of warfare prayer

- How to construct and pray effective warfare prayers.

You will participate in exclusive events for Kingdom SWAT cadets including group coaching sessions, private prayer sessions (FIGHT NIGHTS), exclusive access to a private Facebook to learn more in-depth prayer strategies and tactics.   

PLEASE NOTE: Kingdom SWAT Cadets who begin but do not finish the complete Kingdom SWAT Academy curriculum will not be re-enrolled. Please be prepared to commit to the program and follow through on your commitment. I am training an ELITE warfare prayer intercessory prayer team.    

Registration fees and activity fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE to other parties. 

Copyright 2024 - Madeline Alexander International, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED